We all love shopping in the comfort of our own home, no matter what time it is, the shops are always opened, you don't have to fight for a parking space, no aggressive salespeople, no long check out lines and you save money on gas! When choosing an online shopping store, make sure the business has a legitimate site such as a location, a REAL phone number, email. Be cautious of free sites such as Go Daddy and Yahoo, especially if the business information such as location, or phone number and email are not provided. Check for a secure payment checkout method as well. PayPal, Square and Venmo are all secured methods of checkouts. Small businesses are aim to please their shoppers, offering better pricing on handcrafted items versus large department stores. They also offer lower shipping costs or even free shipping to help promote their businesses. NEVER save your password on your smart phone! EVER! If a silent third party selling on an Amazon site or even Walmart site this could potentially be dangerous to you as a consumer since most do not disclose all their business information. I myself got caught up in a scam for a purchase and it took three months to finally recoup my money!